Eragon free youtube
Eragon free youtube

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Umm… Right… Definition of language: The words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community. The moment he sees the deer is when he decides to string the bow. Stringing a bow is hard work and is usually something you would do before you set out hunting. It is not something that can be done in a few seconds. It is extremely inopportune to string a bow once the deer you have been tracking is in sight.

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“drew three arrows and nocked one, holding the others in his left hand.” – (p.7) Christopher Paolini obviously has no idea what he is talking about. Holding two arrows along with a bow in one hand is extremely uncomfortable and would make your shots extremely inaccurate. A skilled hunter, like Eragon supposedly is, would not do this.

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“He cursed and spun around, instinctively nocking another arrow.” – (p.7) Either CP, again, has no idea what he is talking about or Eragon has a secret third arm. There is absolutely no reason Eragon would need to spin around to nock an arrow. Not only is the thought of having to spin around to nock an arrow ridiculous but that would then mean he loses the sight of the target. “Eragon watched for danger for several long minutes… Cautiously, he released the tension from his bow and moved forward.” – (p.7) This is definitely not something he would want to do. “The stone was cool and frictionless” – (p.7) “He nudged it with an arrow, then jumped back.” – (p.7) What happened to Eragon the brave, who was the only hunter who dared hunt in the Spine? He is so brave that he stares at a blue stone for several minutes with an arrow pulled, afraid it is dangerous. If it was frictionless it would slip out of his fingers and slide around the world forever.

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